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Crystal Energy by Patrick Flanigan

Crystal Energy by Patrick Flanigan

Crystal Energy by Patrick Flanigan

Patrick Flannigan's two signature products, Crystal Energy and Mega Hydrate are key supplements to staying fully hydrated all the time. Today we will discuss Crystal Energy but first lets review why hydration is so important.


Would you believe that our flesh, bones and organs account for only about 30% of who we are? This body that we think we are that we identify with is mostly water. Take away the water and your left with a hollow shell. Kind of like those magic toys I played with as a kid, where you add water and voila. The lifeless flat little thing took shape and assumed a form. But, we are more dynamic than that, we are more like seeds, there is a huge potential but without the water nothing gets actualized. So I invite you to consider who and what you are and the importance of water in you life, the quality of water and the ability to absorb and utilize it properly.


Water is the source of all life, 70% of you is water and 70% of this earth is water. This keen mirroring of who we are and the planet we live on is fascinating. If we look around we can see what water does and doesn't do, how the quality of water affects living organisms. When we see drought stricken areas we see dry cracked ground, dusty and lifeless. The crust of the earth is akin to our skin, our skin needs to be hydrated to stay healthy, moisturizers and lotions can help it stay supple but if we are not adequately hydrated our skin dries out becomes flaky and begins to crack and peel. This is all an indication of the dry inner landscape asking for proper hydration.


And, add some CRYSTAL ENERGY to your water for enhanced hydration and well being. What is it about adding Crystal Energy to water that makes it so special? First off when you add Crystal Energy to your water you will feel the difference immediately. That is because the micro mineral clusters in this solution both structure the water and reduce the surface tension and this is something you will feel and sense when you first try it. The water feels softer, smoother, more velvety, this is the reduced surface tension at work. Water is a vehicle and a solvent and the solvency of water is greatly enhanced by the reduced surface tension. This is because the water is now able to be better absorbed by the body and go to work both cleansing the cells and delivering nutrients to the cells.

The microscopic clusters that are the structured aspect of CRYSTAL ENERGY also help with the cleansing and nutrient delivery. They help the water in its solvent action as a chelater of toxins and particularly heavy metals. The clusters help to dislodge and encase the toxic substances and carry them safely from the body. This cleansing function combined with better hydration and assimilation of nutrients adds to the feelings enhanced well being that people using this product commonly report.


Incorporating this useful product into your life and getting maximum results from it are easy. Here are a few tips for you to get the most out of Crystal Energy.
  • Add Crystal Energy to your sports water bottle because when we exercise we breathe and sweat at an increased level and these are two ways we lose water. Exercising increases our body's need for water as well as full and proper hydration, Crystal Energy excels at increasing full and proper hydration.
  • Add Crystal Energy to mist bottles that you may use at the beach or during any other activity. This will help to keep your skin soft and refreshed when exposed the elements.
  • Add Crystal Energy to distilled or Reverse Osmosis purified water, this will help to 'revive' the water and give it structure, particularly distilled water which lacks any structure.
With summer just around the corner staying properly hydrated is going to be key to enjoying your time outdoors so pack some with you and bring it where ever you go. And Remember to STAY HYDRATED with CRYSTAL ENERGY and feel the energy of what a properly hydrated body feels like, it is a feeling you will no doubt energy.

Also frequent headaches and chronic grogginess are common signs of dehydration, so check your water intake and add some Crystal Energy to your water.

This piece was written and compiled for Zebra Organics by Mark D'Aquila, flower essence practitioner,

5 years ago