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Dulse and Kelp Seaweeds for Health

Dulse and Kelp Seaweeds for Health

Dulse and Kelp Seaweeds for Health

Kelp is also known as "wild atlantic kombu". The main benefit of this sea vegetable is its rich content of minerals particularly iodine. Kelp is a natural source of this essential thyroid metabolism regulating mineral. Kelp is also rich in the anti oxidant compound fucoxanthin. Fucoxanthin assists the body with fat metabolism, thus it may aid with weight loss. Kelp contains a wide variety of vitamins and trace minerals, making it one of the most nutrient dense and useful foods to consume. Kelp contains the vitamins A, B, C and D as well as the harder to get Vitamins E and K. Kelp is an excellent source for trace minerals and iodine, it also supplies the body with protiens and fiber. There are special compounds in Kelp which help it to cleanse radioactive and heavy metal particles from the body and blood.
Dulse One of my personal favorites of the sea vegetable varieties is Dulse. Like nori, dulse can be eaten straight out of the package making a quick healthy snack. It is exceptionally tasty and contains many of the same benefits as other seaweeds: rich in minerals, protein dense, good source of iodine, healing and cleansing aliginate compounds. Its deep red color and soft texture make it a great addition to soups and salads. Dulse is hand-harvested from remote Gulf of Maine bays at the peak of nutrition and taste (early summer to early fall.) All of the Dulse products from Maine Coast Sea Vegetables undergo annual OCIA organic inspection for handling and harvesting, as well as voluntary testing for heavy metal, chemical and microbiological contaminants. Dulse is rich in the following nutrients: Alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, calcium, chromium, cobalt, iodine, iron, lutein, manganese, magnesium, niacin, phosphorous, potassium, riboflavin, selenium, silicon, sodium, vitamin C, zeaxanthin, and zinc. Additional benefits of consuming sea vegetables is their ability to bind to heavy metals and radio active particles and safely help your body remove them. It is safe to say that nearly everyone can benefit from adding these miracles of the sea to their diet. To make that easier for our customers we are running a sale on all Maine Coast Sea Vegetables, now is a good time to stock up and save.
5 years ago