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Holistic Oral Health Part 2 - Oil Pulling

Holistic Oral Health Part 2 - Oil Pulling
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Holistic Oral Health Part 2 - Oil Pulling
A mighty simple solution to your oral health my be sitting in your kitchen cabinet. The ancient and revered folk remedy oil pulling for oral health comes to us by way of India. This is an ancient Ayurvedic practice involves swishing one teaspoon to one tablespoon of sesame or coconut oil in the mouth for 20 minutes. For best results it is recommended to "pull" the oil through the teeth and mouth. This practice is said to bind the microbes and and remove harmful bacteria. For this reason it is important that the oil be discarded and never swallowed. After you are done oil pulling rinse your mouth with warm water and brush as normal.

This method has been around for thousands of years and proponents swear by it for keeping the mouth healthy. If you do an internet search you will find some interesting testimonials regarding the benefits people received from oil pulling. I even read one where a woman used Crisco! And she still said she experienced a wide range of benefits. I suggest using coconut oil has other proven benefits it contains easily digestible, fat-soluble vitamins: A,D,E and K. Vitamin A is good for the immune system, Vitamin E has strong antioxidant properties for the skin and can provide some protection against UV rays, Vitamin D is good for strong bones and teeth, and Vitamin K is good for blood-clotting.

This brings us to the modern day and the fact that agencies such as the ADA, American Dental Association claim oil pulling does not enhance oral health. I mention this because I think you should know that while oil pulling has been practiced for thousands of years modern science has yet to understand and verify its positive impact. There are a host of things you can do to keep your mouth healthy such as regular brushing, flossing, cleanings, oil pulling and avoiding refined sugar. Refined white sugar is quite a dangerous sweetener in terms of oral health. Alternatives include stevia or xylitol both which are becoming quite popular and xylitol is believed to defend against tooth decay.

This information is shared for your benefit and awareness, oral health is extremely important to overall health. Keeping your mouth healthy can help keep the whole body functioning more smoothly. This post is shared to bring you attention to the importance of oral health in your quest for optimal health.
5 years ago