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Healthy Balanced Dieting Tips

Healthy Balanced Dieting Tips

Healthy Balanced Dieting Tips

Summer is around the corner and the temperatures have been heating up across the country, so now is a great time to tell you about metabolic stimulators and how they can be used to safely help you achieve the weight that is perfect for you. Personally I am not into diet pills, fads, silver bullets and promises because they don't work in giving you the long range benefits you truly desire. So I will not waste my time and if you are looking for a quick fix don't continue reading. But, if you are truly interested in health read on because what I have to share with you will be educational, informative and entertaining.

We all think we need to look better, it is a chronic condition, thinking we are not ok just the way we are. I want to start this post re-affirming the essential truth that you are perfect. This completely goes against all the marketing strategies that I've learned and is taught. Basically I should be telling you that you are in a state of lack, that a piece of you is missing and if you buy these products you will find the fulfillment that you are looking for. Truth is that is a whopping, huge big fat lie if there ever was one but it sells products and leaves you feeling chronically dissatisfied with yourself. Because the fact is nothing outside of you can ever bring you real true fulfillment, you may feel good for a while but that fades quickly.

If you just remember this you will not fall victim to such shenanigans.

Because the nature of this blog is about health products we will now take an exploration of such products and I will also add some lifestyle suggestions in as well. Because adjusting your lifestyle will lead to results taking a foothold.

Sugar Balance

In terms of lifestyle adjustments you need to get serious about addressing your sugar intake, this is a fact that cannot be overlooked. There are NO two ways around this, sober up to this fact and you will start to see the health results you dream of. Apologies for the buzz kill but you need to hear this and take it in as a fact. You need to greatly reduce your sugar consumption and if possible totally eliminate it from your diet. Don't take my advice try it out for a two weeks and see how great you feel. This will have a positive impact on your hormones. When you are off the blood sugar Yo Yo ride your energy level will normalize and your stress hormones will drop, you will love it I guaranteed. I understand this can be difficult to hear and difficult to do but persevere and you will be many steps ahead in the game of health. To learn more about this visit the blog Agave, Stevia and The Glycemic Index.


There are some substances out there called metabolic stimulators, which as the name suggestions, stimulate metabolism. These products could give you the extra edge you need to carry you through to your weight loss goals. These are NOT a substitute for true changes in you diet and level of physical activity, these are adjuncts which will support the process of weight loss. Two very common and well know metabolic stimulators are Yerba Mate and Brown Seaweed Extract.

Yerba Mate

I like Yerba Mate and I think you will as well, it is a clean tasting herbal tea which contains caffeine, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins. It is a filling, stimulating and nourishing beverage from South America. Yerba Mate is a well known appetite suppressant as well as metabolic stimulator. Consider adding Yerba Mate to your diet, drink it in the mornings or afternoon, you will soon see why it is a preferred healthy stimulant compared to coffee. Yerba Mate has been studied for its benefit on fat metabolism and studies indicate it has a positive effect on cholesterol levels, reducing LDL and increasing HDL.* Yerba Mate has a mild taste similar to green tea and bit more herbaceous, it is pleasant to drink and satisfying cold as well as hot.

Brown Seaweed Extract and Licorice

Brown Seaweed Extract has been touted a silver bullet with some sources claiming it will reduce your belly fat. Well there is a compound in Brown Seaweed Extract that increase fat metabolism and reduce glucose levels in the blood, two good ways to help you loose weight. That substance is called fucoxanthin.

Reports also indicate that when combined with licorice root extract, the weight loss properties of brown seaweed is greatly enhanced and we've sourced a real potent extract from a very ethical company. Licorice root has been used since ancient times, across many cultures as food and as medicine. In Chinese medicine, Licorice is an ingredient in nearly all herbal formulas for the traditional purpose of "harmonizing" the separate herbs involved. This important tonic herb is often called "the grandfather of herbs."

To just talk about this one compound would not be doing this amazing product justice. Modifilan Brown Seaweed Extract is a true gift from the sea and with this gift comes a huge number of minerals. Actually 72 trace minerals that are needed for proper functioning and health of the body. Chief among them is iodine which is extremely important to the regulation of the thyroid, the master gland which is in charge of metabolism and weight management. The abundance of organic, ionic iodine found in this Brown Seaweed Extract enhance the function of the endocrine system. And, results are that your metabolism functions better and your body uses calories more efficiently. You need to use this product for a few weeks to a few months to gain the maximum health benefits.

Dietary Adjustments

Now lets get back to reality, you need to make significant dietary changes to achieve the health and weight loss goals you are after. I am not going to tell you what to eat but you need to know that if you continue to eat what you eat now do not expect your weight or health to change. In order to change You need to change, you need to do a wholesale change.

My suggestion in general is to increase you consumption of protein, especially in the mornings. Skip the sugary breakfast, the grains, the cereal, pancakes, waffles etc . . . Try eating more veggies in the morning I know this is not very American but you just might like it. Try some miso soup with veggies and two eggs add a few flax crackers and you will be off to a good start.

If you are in a rush and need to make something easy to take on the go we have the perfect protein supplement for you. It is called Lean Body Whey Protein, nice name wouldn't you say? This company makes some real ethical products and this one is up there with the rest.

Statements from the manufacturer.
Lean-Body Whey™ Protein Blend is a one-of-a-kind, premier quality, advanced organic protein drink that delivers a comprehensive array of immune-boosting nutrients without toxic tag-alongs.
Finally, a great protein drink for the whole family that is 100% health-promoting (no compromises), and tastes luscious.
Our Lean-Body drink delivers every nutrient essential for life and in its most bio-available form producing “The Quantum Effect.” The Lean- Body Whey Protein drink supports 5 key nutrient categories:
1) a broad range of world-class antioxidants,
2) easy-to-digest nontoxic whey protein,
3) complex carbohydrates,
4) essential fatty acids and
5) world class state-of-the-art immune-boosting fiber.
Start out your day with a Lean-Body drink to help enhance strength, boost the immune response, protect cells, minimize the aging process and promote a wonderful sense of well-being.* It’s great for every member of the whole family — just add water or juice and stir. Take with you on trips. And to get that winning edge, take a Lean-Body drink an hour or so before exercise or competition meets.
Quantum Ingredients:
Whey Protein, cane juice, Blueberry fruit, pine pollen, calcium pyruvate, barley grass concentrate, wheat grass concentrate, oat grass concentrate, blue green algae, chlorella (whole), Noni arabinogalactan Extract, conjugated linoleic acid, vanilla, guar gum, FOS, No artificial colors, flavors or preservatives.

Emotional Eating

Yup this the big one I have been holding off on mentioning, food has a major emotional connection and we often overeat due to emotions and stress rather than a dietary need. And, them we punish ourselves for overeating and it can become a viscous cycle. Sugar, sweets and junk foods have a strong emotional attraction and freeing yourself from the grips will be a boon to your body as well as your soul. Emotions are what fuel us, the power contained in emotions cannot be underestimated and not being run by our emotions will help us immensely.
Besides writing this blog and sharing what I know about health and nutrition, I, Mark D'Aquila am also a flower essence therapist. Meaning I help people find greater levels of emotional freedom and expression through the use of flower essences. Flower essences are tools that help us manage our emotions and develop a healthy relationship with them. And, they can help you with emotional eating, the formula I am about to tell you about will support you in gaining the upper hand on emotional eating. Being that flower essences are one of my specialty I run a website dedicated entirely to Bach Flower Remedies and at the end of this post I will tell you how you can get this formula.

The Emotional Eating Support Formula:

This formula contains the following four flower essences.
Cherry Plum
Crab Apple
Chestnut Bud
This combination has been specially designed to address the range of emotions related to emotional eating. When used on a regular basis it will help you to curb this pattern and re-gain a healthy relationship to food.

To learn more about this formula visit

Where there you have it folks, we've managed to cover a lot of angles to the whole weight loss challenge. As a wholistic health practitioner I feet it was vital to address the part of eating that is tied to our emotions because emotions drive our behavior.

Enjoy your summer,


5 years ago