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Raw Organic Chlorella Powder

Raw Organic Chlorella Powder

Raw Organic Chlorella Powder

What is Raw Chlorella?

Chlorella is one of the the oldest superfoods on the planet. It is a fresh water microscopic green algae that emerged some 540 million years ago. It is a single cell plant rich in chlorophyll and vital nutrients. The Chlorella Pyrenoidosa species is a superior strain which has noted nutritional compounds and it is the only variety we sell.

Why use Raw Chlorella?

Because it is one of the most nutrient dense foods available. And, it helps to detoxify the entire body and it contains the rare element known as Chlorella Growth Factor -CGF for short.

Chlorella Growth Factor

CGF is a complex of nucleotide peptides found only in chlorella it includes nucleic acids, amino acids, peptides, polysaccharides, and beta glucans. These special compounds combined with the vast array of vitamins and other nutrients in Chlorella enhance the body's defense system. They also supply elements which cells can use as building blocks. This substance is naturally occurring and it allows chlorella to grow at a rapid rate. Because chlorella is a plant is uses photosynthesis, the CGF accelerates this process which is why chlorella can quadruple every 24-28 hours. This rapid ability to grow is the "Chlorella Growth Factor" and you can get this by consuming raw organic Chlorella.

Nutrients in Chlorella

Chlorella contains a vast array of nutrients including vitamins, minerals, proteins and essential fatty acids, as well as chlorophyll and CGF which we talked about. Now lets take a look at the nutrition composition of chlorella.
Vitamins in Chlorella:
-Vitamin A
-Vitamins B6 and B12
-Vitamin C
-Vitamin D
-Vitamin E
-Vitamin K
-Folic Acid
-Panothenic Acid
-Alpha Carotene
-Beta Carotene
Minerals in Chlorella
Chlorella also contains Omega 3 fatty acids and 18 amino acids and chlorophyll.

Chlorella to Detoxify the Body

Chlorella is known to rapidly aid in repairing tissue and DNA/RNA due to the presence of Chlorella Growth Factor, a unique component to chlorella. CGF is a combination of proteins, peptides and vitamins. Among these compounds is a heavy metal binding protein molecule, which is useful for binding to and clearing mercury from the body.
After adding chlorella to their diet many people report:
-Increased Enegry
-Clearer Skin
-Enhanced immune system response
-Relief from common bodily aches
-Enhanced Sleep

Consider what benefits you will receive when you add the Whole Food nutrient dense Superfood to your diet?

5 years ago