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Posts tagged 'chaga mushroom'

The Medicinal Chaga mushroom

Chaga resembles a large body of growth and can look like burnt charcoal. It grows on white birch trees within cold climates. Chaga can be found in Russia, Korea, eastern and northern Europe, northern United States in the mountains of North Carolina and in Canada. Chaga absorbs and concentrates the immune compounds in the birch tree. In over 15-20 years it reaches maturity, and brings the important nutrients into a form we can consume. It can actually grow on other trees but then it's not Chaga and it's not medicinal. It has been used as a health remedy by the people of Siberia, Japan and China for hundreds of years. After a long history of being ignored by western pharmacologists, Chaga is currently enjoying a resurgence as a possible treatment for a wide variety of diseases and health problems.
5 years ago

Chocolatl Chocolate Treats

Chocolatl's healthy chocolate treats use the power of chocolate to deliver tonic herbs like maca, cordyceps and reishi. Being fans of chocolate and tonic herbs Zebra Organics is happy to offer these 8 neatly packaged varieties. Each functional food variety and is a rich tonic in itself. Chocolate contains a wide array of antioxidants and phyto-chemicals. As a food it contains 10% anti-oxidant flavoniods by weight. This high concentration of anti-oxidants is hardly matched by any other food. Then to combine this with fine tonic herbs results in a powerful treat.
5 years ago