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Posts tagged 'meditation'

Immune System Support Part 2

The great masters of Oriental medicine were aware of the many factors that contribute to health. In the west we are beginning to understand the impact lifestyle choices have on health. Reading through literature on ancient Chinese medicine one thing is clear, they understood the benefits of emotional, mental and spiritual harmony as vital to well being. In the west we now understand the role stress plays in health and disease. This field of study is known as psychoneuroimmunology, which is the study of the interaction between psychological processes and the nervous and immune systems of the human body.
5 years ago

9 Ways to Improve Immune System Function

During the thick of winter unsavory microbes are active. These unsavory microbes can only take root and proliferate in a body with a weakened immunity. The word "immunity" basically translates to "protection". There are many supplements you can use to support your body and things you can do to increase overall resilience.
5 years ago