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Top 4 Reasons to Eat Slower

Reasons to eat slower
Posted in: Lifestyle, Mind & Body

Top 4 Reasons to Eat Slower

Today our pace of life is faster than ever. Many of us find ourselves with little time in our daily lives for anything and operate with a sense of urgency. When we do find the time to eat, we we gobble down our food. This lifestyle is concerning because it's stressful and unhealthy.

The simple act of eating slower can bring positive change to your lifestyle immediately. Next time you eat, we suggest clearing your mind and drawing attention to your food. Focus on taking smaller bites and chewing each bite more times, to stretch out the amount of time you enjoy your meal. It will add on a few extra minutes, but the effects will be profound.

The Slow Food Movement was launched in Italy in 1986 in response to the growth of fast food companies. It was an attempt to salvage the slower-paced lifestyle that was historically more common and involved eating food in a more relaxed and social way.

If you find you're always the first one to finish your meal, here are some reasons why you should consider slowing down your consumption:

1. Maximise enjoyment of food

Eating slowly allows you to experience the flavors, textures and smells of what you're eating. You might find that you do eat slower when you're consuming a meal you value more than your typical meal. Learn to savor every meal and enhance the pleasure of eating by chewing food slowly - this means 10-20 chews per bite. You can also try putting your utensils down between bites (or putting your food down on the plate if the meal doesn't require utensils). 

2. Improve digestion

A smooth and complete digestion involves chewing thoroughly. As digestion begins in the mouth, you have the ability to kick off your body's natural digestion process by eating slowly. An uncomfortable feeling in your stomach after a meal is an indication that you may be experiencing indigestion from eating too fast.

3. Reduce stress

"Mindful eating" in a calm and relaxed environment can reduce stress and increase satisfaction. Be in the moment and give your food your undivided attention, instead of rushing through a meal and thinking about what you're going to do next.

According to the New York Times, mindful eating "Involves becoming aware of that reflexive urge to plow through your meal like Cookie Monster on a shortbread bender. Resist it. Leave the fork on the table. Chew slowly. Stop talking. Tune in to the texture of the pasta, the flavor of the cheese, the bright color of the sauce in the bowl, the aroma of the rising steam."

4. Assists with weight control

Many sources suggest that eating slowly will lead to you eating less food than if you ate quickly and hence, consuming fewer calories. It takes approximately 20 minutes for the brain to tell your body that you're full. If you're a fast eater, you're more likely to eat past the point where you're full.

Harvard Medical School has addressed this in Why eating slowly may help you feel full faster. In addition, the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that eating slowly reduces energy intake between meals. 

Here are some additional tips for slower eating:

  • Place utensils down between bites
  • Make conversation at the dinner table
  • Use different utensils such as chopsticks
  • Set aside time to eat. Make an appointment to refuel your body
  • Create a pleasant eating environment with relaxing music

Eating slower and more mindfully is a way of life that requires sure and steady support.

5 years ago