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Castor Oil Cleansing

Castor Oil Cleansing

Castor oil has been used as a cleansing agent for years. Its virtues were touted by the late great health advocate Edgar Cacey. He was known to advocate castor oil packs to be used over the mid section to gently aid cleansing of the liver and gallbladder.

Use With a Cotton Flannel
The process he recommended was to soak a cotton flannel in castor oil and apply it to the mid section of the body along with a hot compress to aid oils absorption into the body. External castor oil packs are useful to assist and improve liver function and digestion. They are safe and easy to use when combined with an internal cleansing regime and Quantum Castor Oil is quite possibly the highest quality castor oil currently available. Cold pressed, unrefined and designed for optimal cellular resonance.

To make a pack, saturate 3 layers of organic cotton flannel (6” x 8”squares) with castor oil. Place the pack directly on the skin, cover with plastic sheet, then a heating pad. Keep in place for 1 to 2 hrs, 2 to 3 times per week. Initial key site choices: abdominal area or low back (kidneys). It has been effectively used to promote proper bowel eliminations, good digestion, regular menstrual cycles, increased lymphatic circulation and better assimilation of nutrients.

How it works
The multiple layers of flannel saturated with Quantum quality Castor Oil are theorized to induce a high frequency resonant effect which allows the castor oil’s immune-boosting phytonutrients to deeply penetrate the cells, triggering a purging of stagnant toxins. This resonant effect can penetrate beyond the lymphatic system’s reach to even purge and purify the “no man’s land” between the GAG’s (glycosaminoglycans) and the lymphatic system where trapped toxins may otherwise remain for a lifetime. Quantum Castor Oil packs help create a profound shift toward ideal cellular resonance and thus, ideal health.

To aid the entire cleansing process you may want to include the Gallbladder cleansing formula as this will support the cleansing of the liver and gallbladder.
5 years ago