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Keeping Your Lymphatic System Healthy

Keeping Your Lymphatic System Healthy
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Keeping Your Lymphatic System Healthy

The lymphatic system is probably one of the least talked about systems in the body. Despite it being behind the scenes and mostly off the radar, it’s of major importance in your short- and long-term health. Let’s first talk about what the lymphatic system does and you’ll soon see why it’s so important. I’ll finish with some easy tips on how you can help your lymphatic system function optimally.

The lymphatic system is part of the circulatory system and is made up of a network of vessels, nodes, and ducts. Instead of transporting nutrients to the cells, like the blood vessels do, it transports some nutrients (especially fats), waste products, immune cells and “recyclable” constituents away from cells. The lymphatic system is essentially the human drainage system and if this drainage system doesn’t flow properly your cells will be left bathing in waste products and toxins that need to eliminate. You can only imagine how great you’d feel (and look) if these toxins weren’t shuttled away, in the form of “lymph” by this system.

Here are a few tips to keep you lymphatic system healthy and draining properly.

We need to drink enough water throughout the day to keep the lymph flowing like the consistency of water instead being of thick and too viscous like molasses. And, there is one key supplement that assists with helping your body to properly assimilate water. Visit our page on Mega Hydrate to learn more about this supplement.

The lymphatic fluid flows upward or superior in the body. And it doesn’t have a set of valves to help keep the lymph moving, the way our veins do. Therefore, muscle contraction and joint movement is the most effective way to keep the lymph draining. So start moving somehow, whether it’s walking or exercising or rebounding on a trampoline.

The two key muscles involved in lymph flow are the pelvic floor muscles and the diaphragm. All the lymph in your system will eventually get drained into the blood stream via ducts that are located under the chest muscles. In order to get lymph from the lower extremities into these ducts, the pelvic floor muscles must be strong and work properly. This will get the lymph to drain out of the legs and above the pelvis. Then, you need to have a properly functioning diaphragm to give it a further push into the ducts for final removal from the system. So something as simple as deep breathing can help the lymph flow.

Alternating hot and cold in the shower causes an expansion and contraction of the skin, blood and muscles. This action provides assistant to the lymph system to get the lymph fluid flowing.

5 years ago