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Staying properly hydrated is one of the most important things in life and Dr. Patrick Flannagan knows this. His Mega Hydrate product contains bio available hydrogen ions which are potent free radical scavenger antioxidants that help us stay hydrated. MegaHydrate does this by unlocking the potential of water as the medium for nutrient replenishment and cellular waste removal. Dehydrated body cells cannot assimilate nutrients or remove waste. Cellular waste build up can lead to worsening of painful conditions like arthritis or fibromyalgia. MegaHydrate also helps fight the negative effects of alcohol, stress, caffeine and free radicals as part of aging.
Simply put a free radical is an oxygen molecule missing an electron, making a normally stable molecule unstable. This little molecule then goes around 'stealing' electrons in order to quench its desire for wholeness, to complete its 'missing' bond. This is known as oxidation. It is going on inside our bodies every second but our bodies do produce antioxidants such as SOD and various glutathione compounds to combat this. But our bodies cannot keep up with the levels of oxidation and produce enough anti oxidants to stop the rampage.
Aging and Anti Oxidants:
Anti-oxidants are compounds which reduce oxidative damage. It has been theorized that oxidation is a large part of the aging process. The slow process of aging is accelerated by free radicals which produce oxidative damage and when left unchecked free radicals create more free radicals in their pursuit of finding missing electrons. It is like a ponzi scheme on the cellular level constantly borrowing with the intent of never returning the favor and creating wave after wave of deficiency and emptiness.
What does Mega Hydrate® got to do with it?
In addition to hydration, MegaHydrate is the most powerful known antioxidant food. Since it is a "pure" antioxidant that does not turn into a free radical itself, taken daily, MegaHydrate delivers far more Hydrogen ions than eating pounds of raw fruits and vegetables or drinking gallons of "healing waters." Humans need Hydrogen to survive. It is the key to long life and anti-aging. However, due to mass food production, mineral deficient soil, pesticides, chemical fertilizers, over-processing of foods, chemical preservatives, and drinking over-chlorinated and over-fluoridated water, people do not get enough Hydrogen ions daily. Body cells become damaged, hydration levels decrease and cells age.
MegaHydrate challenges all this and many customers report immediate pain relief and increases in energy after a few days of using Mega Hydrate. Do you want to address the symptoms of dehydration and minimizes the process of aging? Thanks to Mega Hydrate it is now a whole lot easier!
Mega Hydrate, refreshing as a day at the beach.
5 years ago